Scheduling kdeconnect

I have a smartwatch and use kdeconnect to forward desktop notifications to my phone. I do not want to receive these notifications before or after hours (computer stays on and we’re a 24/7 operation).

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World's Tiniest OpenShift cluster, with a Mobile twist: Part 1

I decided I needed an OpenShift cluster at home for testing, and instead of doing it the easy way with Minishift, I decided I wanted to try to do it the hard way and run it on some sort of development board.   Given that my eventual goal was to run Red Hat’s Mobile Application Platform (RHMAP) on the OpenShift on this cluster,  I felt that an ARM-based board was probably outside of my capabilities and I started researching Intel x86 based boards.

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Integrating MyAir with Home Assistant

The heating and cooling in my new home was controlled by an app running on a cheap android tablet mounted on the wall called MyAir.  That tablet is directly wired to a control unit, but you can install an app on other mobile devices (IOS/Android only) that communicate with the tablet to control the air conditioning/heat (and lights if you have that feature; I do not).  The app is limited in the options it provides and I wanted more control over my air conditioning from any device (including PC’s).  I decided to see if this was possible.  I started out planning to write a simple webpage to display the temperatures throughout the house and simply control things, but then decided to leverage an existing project for home automation called “Home Assistant”  This made it both quicker and easier to integrate with other home automation technology.

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